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Suggestion for Various Rooms

The living room: There is nothing that makes a room or a single grouping of furniture look more inviting than the appearance that it is used and enjoyed.

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To achieve this feeling in your home think of the activities that go on in your household and arrange groups or combinations of groups that will take care of all of them.

If yours is a house for informal entertaining, arrange conversation groups where two or more can sit cozily, close together. For reading, have enough shelves for books, and a convenient place to keep magazines.

Then, a comfortable chair and a reading table with an interesting but effective lamp for good light, create an inviting atmosphere.

Is your family is musically inclined, you may want one section of the room for the piano with another grouping. Plan storage space for the records and sheet music, each convenient to its own unit.

The living room, or drawing room, or sitting room, or parlor, should contain upholstered furniture sufficient to seat all the members of the family plus two or three guests. Each major chair should be within reach of the table containing ashtray, etc, and should be faced so that those entering the room can be seen and welcomed.

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