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Bedroom Feng Shui

The highly complex philosophy of Feng Shui, first developed in Asia centuries ago, is based on principles of timeless aesthetics, correct placement, and appropriateness. Over time, Feng Shui has become not only a system of beliefs that affect home life, spiritual well-being, health, luck, and happiness, but a framework for living in harmony with nature and the seasons. While some consider the concepts too esoteric or superstitious, others keep an open mind and find that adjusting decor or correctly siting a house will maintain balance in their lives and have beneficial effects.

Bedroom Feng Shui

Today, many homeowners (along with their decorators and architects) are turning to Feng Shui to help them build and design nurturing and pleasing environments.

Very old Feng Shui advice forbade positioning a mirror so low that the reflection cut off the viewer's head. This would bring very bad luck. Common sense suggests that mirrors are most effective when they present the big picture. The Feng Shui recommendation to "soothe" a room by selecting plants with round, floppy leaves (rather than spiky ones) may be mere wishful thinking — especially if the homeowner does not have a green thumb. For those with a sunny city bedroom, however, the sight of spiky-leaved spring tulips growing in the window can have a very pleasing, uplifting effect.

For bedrooms, there are several worthwhile Feng Shui principles and recommendations for enhancing harmony and comfort. One is to select soothing colors to heighten the feeling of relaxation and repose. Another is to create mostly smooth, soft surfaces with large cushions and pillows, an upholstered chair or sofa, carpets, and tapestries. Sharp edges, hard surfaces, and stimulating colors are to be avoided.
One Feng Shui concept suggests positioning the bed so that the occupant or occupants face the door. Ancient wisdom held that this would prevent surprise visits by an evildoer. Today's wisdom suggests confidence is enhanced when one can see who is coming or going.

Bedroom Feng Shui

Perhaps the best pointer offered by Feng Shui experts is to avoid any kind of clutter in the bedroom. Messiness and disorganization are to be discouraged. The flow of Chi energy (life force) will be slowed. Clearly, order makes for a more peaceful, relaxed mood in the bedroom. The occupants won't feel a sense of anxiety when they know where everything is stored. Regular Feng Shui-inspired cleaning sessions to clean out closets and put away magazines will surely encourage the freshest Chi energy.

With Feng Shui in motion, the bedroom clean up will be therapeutic, and a favorite charity may benefit from discarded clothing. Comfort and order will have been restored. If Feng Shui's goal is to bring harmony, then sprucing up your bedroom will have worked wonders.

Getting started with Feng Shui is a worthy but far from easy path. Common sense and caution must be applied, as different practitioners have sharply divergent viewpoints. But others who follow Feng Shui principles report that wind chimes, the sound of running water, new plants, and fresh furniture styling give them new peace of mind and repose.

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